sabato 7 settembre 2019

8 settembre Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Risultati immagini per icone croce celtica
Saint KINGSMARK (CYNFARCH), Ecossais de nation, vénéré dans le pays de Galles (Vème siècle).

Died 5th century. Saint Cynfarch is said to have been a Scottish chieftain who lived in Wales, where some churches are dedicated to him. The book of Llan Dav relates that he was a disciple of Saint Dyfrig and lent his name to Llangynfarch near Chepstow. One church dedicated to a Cynfarch at Llanfair Dyffryn, Clwyd, used to have a Sanctus Kynvarch represented in a stained-glass window

Troparion of St Cynfarch tone 8
Seeing that many were brought to Christ by the radiant example of thy
virtuous life/ and thy missionary labours, O holy Cynfarch,/ pray that
we too may follow thee/ in the service of our Saviour, that our souls
may be saved

Sainte ETHELBURGH (ETHELBURGA), fille du roi Ethelbert de Kent, épouse du roi Edwin de Northumbrie, fondatrice en son veuvage du monastère de Lyminge (Kent) dont elle fut l'abbesse (vers 647).

Saint DISEN (DISIBOD, DIBODUS, DISIBONDUS), Irlandais de nation, abbé de Disenberg et évêque régionnaire au diocèse de Trèves en Rhénanie (vers 674 ou 700).

Saint INA (INE), roi de Wessex (688-726), qui abdiqua pour devenir moine à Rome (après 726).

Sainte ETHELBURGH, épouse de saint Ina de Wessex, morte moniale à Rome (après 726)

Risultati immagini per foto abbazia del wessex

L'arco e il transetto di Malmesbury Abbey, nel Wiltshire, Inghilterra, L'abbazia fu fondata come un monastero benedettino intorno 676 dallo studioso-poeta Aldhelm, un nipote di Re Ine del Wessex. L Abbazia  è stata sostanzialmente completata da 1180 ma la sua torre è sprofondata  in una tempesta intorno a 1500 distruggendo gran parte della Chiesa, compresi i due terzi della navata e transetto

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