venerdì 10 aprile 2020

11 aprile Santi Irlanda Scozia Galles Inghilterra

Date unknown. Abbot Saint Aid of Achard-Finglas, County Carlow, Ireland, may be identical with Saint Aed Maedhog. He is the titular of a church, an abbey, and several chapels

Saint MACHAI, disicple de saint Patrick, fondateur de monastère en Ecosse (Vème siècle).

5th century. Machai, a disciple of Saint Patrick, founded a monastery on the isle of Bute

Saint MAEDHOG (AEDHAN, MOGUE), abbé en Irlande (VIème siècle

6th century. The Irish Abbot Saint Maedhog of Clonmore, was closely associated with SS. Onchu and Finan

Troparion of St Maedhog
Tone 3

Thou didst govern thy monastery of Clonmore
in Ireland's Age of Saints, O holy Abbot Maedhog.
Pray to Christ our God that we too may find grace
to live in faith and penitence,
that we may attain to salvation.

Saint GUTHLAC, ancien soldat devenu moine, puis ermite, en Angleterre (714).

Commemorated on 11 April

Akathist to our Holy Father Guthlac of Crowland

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