giovedì 30 aprile 2020

30 Aprile Santi Scozia Irlanda Galles Inghilterra

Saint MICHOMER, Irlandais de nation, moine, mort à Tonnerre en Bourgogne (444).

Saint CYNWL, ascète au pays de Galles (VIème siècle).

6th century. Cynwl, the brother of Saint Deiniol (Daniel), was the first bishop of Bangor (Wales.) He lived an austere life in northern Wales. Many churches have been dedicated to his honour

Troparion of St Cynwl
Tone 7

Thou wast a worthy brother of Bangor's Bishop Deiniol,
O holy hermit Cynwl.
Having passed from thine austere life on earth
to eternal glory in heaven,
pray to Christ our God for the people of these lands,
that He may grant us His great mercy.

Saint ERCONWALD (ERKENWALD), évêque de Londres (693).

Born in England; died 807. Swithbert may have been a monk. He joined the missionaries in Germany and eventually became bishop of Werden in Westphalia

Saint Onenn of Brittany

Saint CADROE, Ecossais de nation, troisième évêque-abbé de Waulsort près de Dinant (962)

Died 982. A bishop, Saint Forannan left Ireland to join a community at the abbey of Waulsort on the Meuse and in 962 became its abbot. He spent some times at Gorze studying the monastic observance established by Saint John in order to introduce it at Waulsort, which he did most successfully 

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