lunedì 6 aprile 2020

7 Aprile Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

.Saint BRYNACH, fondateur d'église dans le pays de Galles (Vème siècle)


Troparion of St Brynach
Tone 2

O holy Brynach, thou didst leave thy native Ireland
to seek God in Pembroke's solitude.
As thou dost now stand before Christ our God,
intercede with Him, we pray,
that He may have mercy on us.

Saint FINAN (FINNIAN), fondateur de monastère en Irlande (VIème siècle).

Saint GORAN ou WORANIUS (Cornouailles / Cornwall, VIème siècle). 
6th century. Several Cornish churches are dedicated to this friend of Saint Patrick (f.d. March 17) 

Saints LLEWELLYN (LLYWELYN) et GWRNERTH, moines au pays de Galles (VIème siècle).
St. Gwrnerth and St. Llywelyn were Welsh monks, first at Welshpool and later at Bardsey. They reposed in the sixth century.

St. Aedh, of Oilein Reachrann, or of Rathlin Island, County of Antrim. [Eighth Century]

Saint Ros of Downpatrick, April 7

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