lunedì 9 marzo 2020

10 Marzo Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

L'immagine può contenere: 1 persona

Saint KESSOG, Irlandais de nation, évêque missionnaire en Ecosse (vers 560).

Troparion of St Kessog
Tone 6

Thy life was resplendent with miracles, O Hierarch Kessog,
and as thou didst devote thy life to missionary labours,
teach us the way to devote our lives to the service of the Church
that Christ our God will have mercy on our souls.

Kontakion of St Kessog
Tone 4

That God is not served by idleness is the message of thy life, O Wonderworker Kessog.
For thy ceaseless efforts thou art rewarded in heaven
and this day art praised by the Lord's lazy and most unprofitable servants.

Saint SEDNA, évêque en Irlande (vers 570)

Died 675. Saint Emilian was another of the Irish missionary-monks, who migrated to the Continent, where he became the abbot of a monastery in Lagny, France

Died c. 750. Saint Himelin, an Irish or Scottish priest, is said to have been the brother of Saint Rumold of Malines. He died and was buried at Vissenaeken, near Tirlemont, Belgium, on his return from a pilgrimage to Rome. His shrine, in turn, is a noted pilgrimage centre

Saint FAIBHE le Petit, higoumène d'Iona en Ecosse (754).

Died 754. Saint Failbhe was abbot of Iona for seven years before his death at age eighty

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