giovedì 19 marzo 2020

20 Marzo Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Hand-carved Celtic cross pendant
Saint LOARNE, disicple de saint Patrick, missionnaire en Bretagne (Vème siècle).

Saint MARTIN , abbé de Dume, puis évêque de Braga au Portugal, illuminateur des Suèves (580).

Saint HERBERT ou HEREBERT, prêtre et ermite en Angleterrre (687)


Saint CUTHBERT, évêque de Lindisfarne en Northumbrie (687)

Troparion — Tone 3

While still in your youth, you laid aside all worldly cares, / and took up the sweet yoke of Christ, / and you were shown forth in truth to be nobly radiant in the grace of the Holy Spirit. / Therefore, God established you as a rule of faith and shepherd of His radiant flock, / Godly-minded Cuthbert, converser with angels and intercessor for men.

Kontakion — Tone 1

Having surpassed your brethren in prayers, fasting and vigils, / you were found worthy to entertain an angel in the form of a pilgrim; / and having shown forth with humility as a bright lamp set on high, / you received the gift of working wonders. / And now as you dwell in the Heavenly Kingdom, our righteous Father Cuthbert, / intercede with Christ our God that our souls may be saved.

St. Clement of the Paris Schools  Died 826. A monk of Saint Gall, Switzerland, possibly Notker Balbulus (f.d. April 6), reports that Irish Saint Clement came with Albinus to France and announced in the market that they had learning for sale at a time when classical learning was all but forgotten in the West. Their price: food and shelter--and pupils. Upon hearing this, Emperor Charlemagne, who held "the Irish in special esteem" (according to Einhard), engaged their services. Albinus was sent to Pavia to head the monastery of Saint Augustine, while he established Clement in his Paris School. There Clement became one of the most famous scholars of the Carolingian court. He succeeded Blessed Alcuin (f.d. May 19) as the head of the Paris Schools when the latter retired to the monastery at Tours. Among those influenced by him was the future emperor, Lothair, who was noted for his interest in the schools of Italy 

Saint Cathcan of Rath-derthaighe, March 20

St. Aedhan, of Cluain-maelain, probably, Clonmellon, County of Westmeath.

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