domenica 15 marzo 2020

16 Marzo Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Saint ABBAN, higoumène dans le Leinster en Irlande (Vème siècle).

 5th century. The Irish Saint Abban was a contemporary of Saint Patrick and nephew of Saint Ibar (f.d. April 23). He founded Kill-Abban Abbey in Leinster and the convent for Saint Gobnait of Ballyvourney (f.d. February 11)

Troparion of St Abban
Tone 8

In Ireland's fertile soil thou didst plant the seeds of monasticism, O Father Abban,
and didst nurture a great flowering of God-pleasing virtue.
Continue steadfastly in thy enduring love, to lead mankind to God
and by thy prayers may we be granted great mercy.

St. Abban of Magheranoidhe/Murneave/Murnevin

Nephew of St. Ibar, the apostle of Wexford (a predecessor and contemporary of St. Patrick), flourished 570-620. He was the son of Cormac, King of Leinster, and he founded numerous churches in the district of Ui Cennselaigh, almost conterminous with the present County Wexford and Diocese of Ferns. His principal monastery was at Magheranoidhe, subsequently known as "Abbanstown," today, Adamstown; but he also founded an abbey at Rosmic-treoin, or New Ross, which afterwards became famous as a scholastic establishment. He died 16 March, 620.

Saint FINIAN le Lépreux, abbé en Irlande (vers 610).

Saint Fethmec of Kiltoom, March 16

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