martedì 10 marzo 2020

Grande Quaresima 2020-Testi liturgici in uso pressoL’EGLISE CATHOLIQUE ORTHODOXE DE FRANCE e presso LaCOMMUNION DES ÉGLISES ORTHODOXES OCCIDENTALES-Chiese locali di tradizione pienamente occidentale e nel calendario e nel typikòn



Église Orthodoxe Celtique
Église Orthodoxe Française
Église Orthodoxe des Gaules

Non sono  in comunione con nessuna delle Chiese Ortodosse usuali .Tuttavia proprio nel loro essere nell'eredità della testimonianza e del ministero  di MONSEIGNEUR JEAN, ÉVÊQUE DE SAINT-DENIS ( Eugraph Kovalevsky) di venerata memoria  e  canonizzato e glorificato nel Sinassario  di tutte le nobili chiese qui indicate  meritano  rispetto ed attenzione. 

Mercoledi  11 Marzo 2020 


Mercredi 11 mars Saint SOPHRONE, patriarche de Jérusalem

Saint SOPHRONE, patriarche de Jérusalem(633-638 ou 639), confesseur de la foi orthodoxe face au monophysitisme et au monothélisme, père spirituel de saint Maxime le Confesseur (638 ou 639). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome III des Ménées. Office complet plus récent traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome III du Supplément aux Ménées.) 

Troparion (Tone 5)
O Father Sophronios, thou wast glorious in the splendour of sobriety, and didst reveal thy ineffable enlightenment from heaven through the radiance of thy words. For by thy life thou didst attain to wisdom and dost now confirm thy Church, as an illustrious Hierarch and intercessor for us with the Lord

Troparion — Tone 5
Patriarch Sophronius, you were glorious in the splendor of sobriety, / and through the radiance of your words you revealed ineffable enlightenment from heaven. / For by your life you attained wisdom / and now you confirm the Church / as an illustrious hierarch and intercessor for us with the Lord.

Kontakion — Tone 8
You were most wise among patriarchs, Sophronius of Jerusalem. / You struggled with divine zeal, spreading the commandments of truth with your lips. / You set right the foundations of the Church and firmly established the monastic order. / You brought to light wise sermons, and instructed by them, / therefore we cry out to you: “Rejoice, splendid boast of the Orthodox.”

Messe des Présanctifiés : († 639)
Gn 42/6-28 -Esther 13/8-17-Mt 20/17-28

Mémoire des saints :
VINDICIEN, évêque d'Arras et Cambrai († 712)
 CONSTANTIN, roi de Cornouailles et martyr
(† 576)

Troparion of St Constantine
Tone 5

Grieving at the loss of thy young spouse,
thou didst renounce the world, O Martyr Constantine,
but seeing thy humility God called thee to leave thy solitude and serve Him as a priest.
Following thy example,
we pray for grace to see that we must serve God as He wills
and not as we desire,
that we may be found worthy of His great mercy.

Kontakion of St Constantine
Tone 4

Thou wast born to be King of Cornwall,
O Martyr Constantine,
and who could have foreseen that thou wouldst become the first hieromartyr of Scotland.
As we sing thy praises, O Saint,
we acknowledge the folly of preferring human plans to the will of our God.

EULOGE, prêtre martyr à Cordoue († 859)

Tropaire des martyrs de Cordoue, ton 3
O martyrs de Cordoue, parfaite éloge de l'Hispanie, vous avez combattu le bon combat et exalté la Foi Orthodoxe, dénonçant les croyances des infidèles Hagarènes, et avec grande audace, proclamé le Christ comme Unique Fils de Dieu. Dès lors intercédez pour nous, afin que nos âmes reçoivent grande paix et abondante miséricorde

Mercredi 11 Mars 2020
Temporal : Gn 42, 6 à 28 Est 4, 17a à 17 h2 Mt 20,17 à 28

Saint Vindicien, évêque de Cambrai (712)

Nella regione dell’Hainault in Neustria, nell’odierna Francia, san Vindiciano, vescovo di Cambrai e Arras, che invitò Teodorico III ad espiare con la penitenza il crimine commesso con l’uccisione di san Leodegario.

Euloge, év. de Tolède, mart. (854) - Constantin, roi de Cornouailles, m. (576) - Sophrone, év.n de Jérusalem (644)

ed anche nella variante del typikòn della  Église Orthodoxe Celtique

♦ Liturgie :
Jr 18, 7-11
Jc 5, 1-11
Jn 5, 39-6, 2

dal Livret de Prière Carême 2020 

Psaume 34     -(33    nella numerazione in uso nelle usuali  Chiese Ortodosse)

link di riferimento

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