lunedì 16 marzo 2020

17 Marzo Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Saints SYLVESTRE et SALONIUS, compagnons de saint Pallade, premier apôtre de l'Irlande (Vème siècle)

Saint PATRICK (PATRICE, PATRICIUS), évêque et illuminateur de l'Irlande (461). (Office composé en français par le père Denis Guillaume et publié au tome XIII du Supplément aux Ménées.)

Troparion of St Patrick
Tone 4

Most glorious art Thou, O Christ our God
Who didst establish our Father Patrick
as the Enlightener of the Irish and a torch-bearer on earth,
and through him Thou didst guide many to the true Faith.
O Most Compassionate Lord, glory to Thee.

Risultato immagini per icone di giuseppe d'arimatea
St. Joseph of Arimathea

1st century; feast in the Orthodox East is July 31 and March 27. We read about Joseph of Arimathea, the "noble counsellor," in all four Gospels (Matthew 27:57-61; Mark 15:43-46; Luke 23:50-56; and John 19:38-42). As with many of the Biblical figures, numerous legends accrued around his name in later years.

Troparion tone 2
Noble Joseph took Thine immaculate Body down from the tree,
wrapped it in a clean shroud and spices,
and having embalmed It, laid It in a new sepulchre.
But on the third day Thou didst rise, O Lord, granting the world great mercy.

Kontakion tone 2
Joseph of Arimathea took Thee the Life of all, down from the Tree as one dead,
and wrapped Thee in clean linen and spices.
He yearned to embrace and kiss Thy pure Body with heart and lips
yet he restrained himself with fear.
He cried to Thee rejoicing:
Glory to Thy condescension, O Lover of mankind.

St. Llinio of Llandinam

(+520), Abbot and Founder of Llandinam, Powys, Wales

Sainte WITBURGE, abbesse en Angleterre (683). 

(+c. 743), Princess of East Anglia, Solitary of East Dereham, Norfolk, and Founder of a Nunnery There - when her holy relics were exhumed, a holy well sprang up which still exists

Saint Failtigern, March 17

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