venerdì 6 marzo 2020

7 Marzo Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles Inghilterra

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Saint DEIFER, abbé dans le pays de Galles (VIème siècle).

Troparion of St Deifer
Tone 6

Desiring to serve God in monastic solitude,
thou didst establish thyself at Bodfari, O Father Deifer,
where attracted by thy piety,
many were drawn to embrace the life of ascetic poverty.
May thine example be ever before us
that we lose not our vision of eternal blessedness.

Kontakion of St Deifer
Tone 2

The tawdry worthlessness of our indiscipline
contrasts starkly with the heights of thy virtue, O Father Deifer,
therefore we earnestly entreat thee to pray for us,
that amending our lives
we may more worthily worship Christ our God and Saviour.

Saint ENODOCH (pays de Galles, vers 520). 

Saint EOSTERWINE, cousin de saint Benoît Biscop, higoumène de Wearmouth en Angleterre (688). 

Ss. Kynesburga, Kyneswide and Tibba of Castor-Died c.680. Also commemorated 5th March.

Saint Mocelloc of Magh-Scethe, March 7

Saint Metan of Tuaim-atha, March 7

Saint Caritan of Druim-Lara, March 7

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