mercoledì 4 marzo 2020

5 Marzo Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

L'immagine può contenere: una o più persone

Saint COLMAN d'Armagh, disciple de saint Patrick (Vème siècle).

Saint PIRAN, ermite en Cornouailles / Cornwall, patron des mineurs (vers 480)

Saint KIERAN, évêque et abbé en Irlande (vers 530).

Troparion of St Kieran
Tone 4

Leaving the darkness of paganism,
thou wast drawn by the radiance of our pure and saving Faith, O Father Kieran,
and shunning the costly raiment of the episcopate,
thou didst spend thy life in severest asceticism,
thereby seeking the salvation of men's souls.

Kontakion of St Kieran
Tone 8

Bread was thy meat and water thy wine, O blessed ascetic and great Father Kieran.
Rejecting clothing and comfort, thou didst enfold thyself in prayer, becoming a model of piety.
Wherefore we pray that, being stripped of all worldly affection,
our lives may be transformed into a visible prayer to our Triune God.

Saint CARTHAGE l'Ancien, évêque en Irlande (vers 540).

Saint VIRGILE, moine de Lérins et de Saint-Symphorien d'Autun, puis archevêque d'Arles, qui conféra l'ordination épiscopale à saint Augustin de Cantorbéry (vers 618).

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