lunedì 23 marzo 2020

24 Marzo Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Remains of the Round Tower at Maghera, Co. Down
Saint DOMANGARD ou DONARD, ermite en Irlande (vers 500).
Died c. 500. The patron saint of Maghera, County Down, Ireland, lived as a hermit on the mountain now called after him Slieve-Donard

St. Lughaidh, son of Eochaidh, of Cluain-laogh, now Clonleigh, County of Donegal.

[Sixth Century.] 

Saint MACARTAN, évêque en Irlande (vers 505).
A Clogher in Irlanda, san Mac Cairthind, vescovo, ritenuto discepolo di san Patrizio.



A NOBLE feast we celebrate,
A holy man we venerate,
Great Mac-Carten it is he,
Hear us, blessed Trinity.


A confessor in faith was he,
A virgin in his chastity,
A martyr too in heart and will,
An Apostle preaching still.


Most innocent of sinful guile,
He guided others, and the while
Many wonders wrought in praise
Of his Maker all his days.


By carnal thought he never sinned,
Riotous fools he disciplined,
And in his holy life enwrought,
The pattern fair of all he taught


No suppliant ever came in vain,
Oppressed by toil or weary pain,
But by the grace his blessing shed,
He departed comforted.


Sight and hearing were restored)
Fled the leper's spot abhorred,
The dying from their deathbed rose,
As the priest Mac-Carten chose.


Oftimes the sick he visited,
And raised to life the nearly dead,
And many tribes baptized he
In St. Patrick's company.


Upon the earth he lived to God,
And in his Master's footprints trod.
Thus conquering the world at last,
He to eternal glory passed.


He could do much on earth before,
Happy in heaven he can do no more.
May Mac-Carten keep us free
From pain of endless misery !


Thee God as three in one we own,
From whom the precious grace comes down,
By which thy clergy here are blessed
With earnest of eternal rest.

and the Latin original which appeared in the previous volume:


Episcopi Clocherensis et fundatoris Monasterii Clocherentis, qui obiit 9 Calend. Aprilis An. 506.

Festum dignum celebrantes
Sanctum virum venerantes
Makartinum et laudantes
Exaudi nos Trinitas.

Est confessor fide plane
Virgo fertur castitate
Martyr fatur sponte fame
Apostolus preedicans.

Qui peccati nescit fraudem
Et praelati vita tandem
Trinitati tulit laudem
In multis miraculis.

Sordes mentis formidabat
Stultas gentes castigabat
Quod exemplis solidabat
Per virtutis opera.

Laborantes in dolore
Supplicantes cum amore
Sed laetantes sunt favore
Precibus que praesulis.

Caecos surdos salutavit
Et iinmundos lepra lavit
Moribundos suscitavit
Makartinus Pontifex.

Infirmantes visitabat
Expirantes suscitabat
Plures gentes baptizabat
Cum Sancto Patricio.

Sancto Deo quasi vivit
Jeeu Christo obedivit
Mundo victo post exivit
Ad aeternam gloriam.

Hie in terris fuit fortis
Nunc in coelis bonae sortis
Nos a poena dirae mortis
Makartinus liberat.

Deus Trinus qui est unus
Quique nobis praestat munus
Quo sit clerus hie securus
In perenni gloria. Amen.

Saint CAIRLON ou CAORLAN, évêque de Cashel en Irlande (VIème siècle).

Troparion of St Cairlon
Tone 4

O holy Cairlon, thou didst repose in the Lord
and wast raised to life by Saint Daga.
Then living the risen life while yet on earth
thou didst spend thy years in apostolic labours.
Pray to Christ our God to save our souls.
Saint CAIMIN, fondateur de monastère en Irlande (653).

Sainte HILDELITH, Anglaise de nation, moniale en France, puis abbesse en Angleterre (vers 712

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