lunedì 2 marzo 2020

3 Marzo Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Sainte NONNE, mère de saint David du pays de Galles, puis moniale (?); elle serait morte en Bretagne (Vème siècle)

Troparion of St Non
Tone 3

Having given birth to the patron of the Welsh, most pious Non,
thou didst rejoice to serve Christ God in thine appointed station.
Wherefore, O Saint, intercede for us that we may be saved
from the worldly spirit of dissatisfaction
and through God's mercy be found worthy of eternal salvation.

Kontakion of St Non
Tone 7

With joy thou didst instruct thy son
in our saving faith, O holy Non,
teaching him in all things to obey the commands of Christ's Gospel
by becoming a missionary and messenger of salvation.
All praise and honour is thy due,
therefore we sing: Alleluia.

Sainte FOILA (FAILE), soeur de saint Colgan (Irlande, VIème siècle).

Saint GUENOLE ou GUINGALOIS (WINWALOEUS) , Romano-Britton de nation, fils de sainte Gwen et disciple de saint Budoc, fondateur de Landévennec, premier monastère de Bretagne (vers 532).
Nella Cornovaglia in Inghilterra, san Vinvaléo, primo abate di Landévennec, che si tramanda sia stato discepolo di san Budoc nel   isola di Lavret e abbia dato lustro alla vita monastica.
St. Winwaloë was born in Brittany of Anglo-Saxon parents. At the age of 15 he entered a monastery on the isle of Lauré. Some years later, he with 11 disciples founded a monastery in northern Brittany, then abandoned it three years later to found Landévennec monastery near Brest. There he reposed, fragrant with miracles, full of holiness, and beloved amongst the people. Holy Father Winwaloë, pray to God for us!

Saints BERGOT, BERZMAOT et TANVOUD, disciples de saint Guénolé (VIème siècle).

St. Foila of Galway, Virgin- 6th century. St. Foila is said to have been the sister of St. Colgan (f.d. February 20). The two were patrons of the parishes of Kil-Faile (Kileely) and Kil-Colgan in Galway. Kil-Faile has been a noted place of pilgrimage

Saint SACER (MO-SACRA), higoumène près de Dublin en Irlande (VIIème siècle).

St. Owen of Lichfield, Hermit   -Died 680

Saint LAMALISSE, ermite en Ecosse (VIIème siècle).

Saint CELE-CHRIST, ermite, puis évêque en Irlande (vers 728).

Saint Mo-sacra, Abbot of Saggard, March 3

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